You own a corporation, and want to buy stocks back from a stockholder. A Stock Repurchase Agreement can help make it happen. Or maybe you own stock in a company and want to sell it back. It's smart to outline the terms first. Getting a Stock Repurchase Agreement signed can help move the process forward.
There are many reasons why you might want to re-sell your stocks to a corporation. Maybe it's a lucrative time for you to re-sell. Maybe you just want to get out of that particular investment. Perhaps you're a partner in the corporation and want to sell to another partner. Or maybe you are the one who wants to get your stocks back - if the stockholder agrees. Perhaps you'd just like a little more control of the corporation. Regardless of your reasons, how you go about reacquiring the stocks matters. Having a Stock Repurchase Agreement makes re-selling your stocks to a corporation a little easier by clarifying all the terms in writing.
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