You may or may not know but, your marriage is a living organism. You have to nurture it so that it can grow and thrive because if not, it’ll die. Ultimately, what you put into it will determine its health and success. There are a number of ways to care for your spouse and your union, but today we’re talking about prayer.
One key way to make sure that your marriage stays healthy is to pray over it consistently. That means whether or not you feel like it, your spouse made you mad, or your dog ate your homework. You’ve got to be committed to taking the time to pray. Prayer is one of those things that’s easy to forget because it doesn’t always yield immediate results, but prayer is powerful and effective for pulling down strongholds (2 Corinthians 10:4).
1. I declare that we are one, and we walk in unity and agreement in our soul, mind, body, and spirit.
2. The enemy has no room in our hearts, in our marriage, or our family. We are not ignorant of his devices, and he has no authority over us.
3. Each day, my spouse and I grow more in love as we increase in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. He is the center of our marriage and the reason why we live.
4. This marriage will fulfill the purpose that God intended it to, and we will walk out the call of God on our lives —individually and as a couple. We walk in God’s favor and represent His Kingdom everywhere we go.
6. In this marriage, we consistently seek to understand one another and love each other unconditionally. We forgive quickly, give grace liberally, and always believe the best in each other.
7. I declare that this marriage and home will be a house of prayer, worship, and joy. Our life is peaceful, and the presence of God follows us everywhere we go.
8. Our love and intimacy will increase as the days go by, and we are fully committed to and satisfied with each other. As long as we live, we will crave each other and not other men or women.
9. I declare that what God has put together, no man will put asunder. And no matter what we go through, divorce is never an option.
10. God’s hand is on our marriage. We will leave a legacy on earth that points everyone who interacts with us to Jesus! In Jesus’ name, Amen.
As you begin to pray these prayers over your marriage, you’ll notice that your relationship gets stronger. You and your partner will be more in sync and in tune with each other than ever. When married couples get on one accord spiritually, there’s nothing that God can’t do in their lives.
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