Post-Course Evaluations for E-Learning: 60+ Questions to Include

If you're designing e-learning, you might want to include a post-course evaluation for learners to complete once they finish the training. The post-course evaluation is a survey-style questionnaire that gauges participants’ reactions to the e-learning they just took. The information and feedback you gather through post-course evaluations will help you improve your course and future training materials, so it's definitely an important step.

You might be wondering which questions to include in a post-course evaluation survey. It's a common dilemma for course creators—which is why we’ve compiled a helpful list of over 60 potential questions. You likely won’t use every question but can pick and choose the ones that are most relevant to your project and subject matter.

Course Expectations

Course Structure and Content



E-Learning Pace and Navigation

Visual Design



Overall Experience

In Sum

Obviously, this is just the tip of the iceberg! There are many other questions you might want to ask depending on the subject matter and purpose of your training.

Can you think of any big ones we've left out? If so, please feel free to share them in the comments. And if you want to learn more about post-course evaluations, check out these helpful articles:

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