Tips for writing your sixth form college application personal statement

Colleges want you to write about yourself in your application – but what should you say?

Most sixth-form and college application forms include a section where you write something about yourself – it’s just so the college can get to know you before you start.

So what should you include? Here are some simple suggestions to help you write a solid personal statement, as well as a few examples for inspiration.

Show them you've done some research

First of all, explain why you want to attend their sixth-form or college.

You could talk about the research you've done on their facilities and courses – maybe they have a great reputation for something you'd like to study?

If you've been to one of their open days (which is always a good idea) you can talk about the experience you had there and the impression it gave you.

Think about life after college

Most college application forms will ask something about your plans for the future, like if you're thinking of going to university or chasing a particular career.

You don't need to have everything planned out though – all you need at this point is a sense of the subjects you'd like to continue studying.

It's great if you do have an idea of what you'd like to do in the future. It's never too early to research your next steps – and we've got forums and advice on The Student Room that can help. Take a look at these links:

Make sure you provide the requested information

This might sound simple, but read the wording of the application form very carefully. Pay close attention to what they're asking you to write about – and make sure you include it in your statement.

You could pull out important phrases from the form and use it to structure your statement. This can also make writing your statement feel easier as you're just following their guidance.

Don't feel like you have to include loads of detail

You might be scratching your head wondering what you're supposed to be writing about. Don't worry, no-one's expecting you to have travelled the world or done loads of voluntary work at your age.

There's nothing wrong with a short and sweet personal statement – but it's worth mentioning if you take part in any organisations or sports outside of school.

Double-check for any spelling mistakes

While any minor spelling or grammatical errors will probably be forgiven, making sure your statement's in good shape will show the college you've put a lot of effort in.

Mistakes are easily made, so re-read your statement a few times before you submit it. And if you aren't feeling confident about your editing skills, you can always get someone else to check it for you.

Examples of sixth-form personal statements

Application forms can vary, but it's still useful to look at the type of personal statements that get submitted to colleges – they can be a good source of inspiration.

Here are three general examples of sixth-form personal statements that could give you some ideas about what to write about in yours:

If you've got a question about your personal statement, head over to our secondary school, sixth form and FE college forum to chat with other students – or you could visit our A-level and GCSE forums.

Article by Ryan Lunn on Tuesday 06 November 2018
Last edited by Nik Taylor on Tuesday 02 January 2024

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