Leave Application for Election Day and Voting Purposes

Sample leave application for election day, or on election day due to many reasons like election duty, transportation, road blockage, etc.

Subject: Leave Application for Election Day and Voting Purposes

Dear [Recipient’s Name],

I am writing to request a one-day leave on [Election Day], [Date], in order to fulfill my civic duty of voting in the upcoming elections. I understand the importance of this democratic process and would greatly appreciate your approval for this leave.

I will ensure that all my pending work is completed or delegated before my absence, and I am willing to assist with any necessary preparations to ensure a smooth workflow during my leave. I kindly request your understanding and support in granting this leave.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.

Leave Application to Perform Duty in Election and Casting Vote

An election is taking place in our area on (day & date). And I have been assigned to duty by the management. I request you to grant me a day off. So that I can participate in the election as well as perform my duties. I will be thankful to you.

Leave Application for Local Election in Our Area for Vote Casting

Election Day Leave Request for Joining Election Campaign & Voting Process

Leave Application for Election Purpose

The Senior Manager,
Descon Company,

I am submitting this application to get a kind favor due to the local election in my area. Elections are the most important responsibility of everyone through which we choose the right person to lead our country on the way of progress. The main reason for leave is that in the last elections groups of two rivals of our area quarreled with one another it caused a lot of damage to the lives of people. Due to the last incident, the government has decided to seal our area. The government may also block transportation. I do not have any personal conveyance, so it would be difficult for me to come to the office. I request you to grant me one day’s leave. Thank you.

Leave Application for Society Elections

Name of Person
Bill Industries, London, UK

Sir, this is Mr. Terry, and I am an intern at your accounts department. We live in the same society, and you may be aware of the society election coming up next week. My father is a candidate for the Chairman, and because of that, we have to run a few campaigns that will consume a lot of time, and energy. Therefore, I would like to ask you to grant me a leave for 7 days. I wish to continue the work after that with the same enthusiasm as I have been doing. I wish to lower my father’s burden as I’m the eldest son, and I hope you will accept this request. Thank you for your kind gesture.

Election Day Leave Application Letter

The Coordinator
Community High School,
Westminster, UK.


It is kindly stated that today, the elections for local bodies are being held in the north constituency that includes my residential area. The elections timings are contradicting with that of my classes. No public transport shall be available in the area today due to elections. For this reason, I shall not be able to give the lessons today at school. Kindly approve my request for leave, and oblige.

Leave Application for Election Day

Manager Admin,
Institute XYZ,

Subject: Request to grant One day leave for elections in my area

I am writing this application to grant me one day’s leave for elections in my area. Our country has a parliamentary democracy, and elections are the most important activity to ensure a better country’s future. I work in the morning shift, so there is a clash between polling time and my office timings. So I have to choose between one of the two. The election comes only once in five years, and it is the only chance that we get to choose the right person for us, so we don’t suffer for the next 5 years.

Secondly, all the areas are blocked due to polling booths and help centers. The candidates also book all public transport in the area so it will be tough for me to reach the office as I don’t have a personal conveyance.

Thirdly, there is always a possibility of a clash between the rival candidates that may result in bullets. My area is quite safe, but there are some areas in a constituency that are declared to be highly sensitive. It is very dangerous to come out of the house, and pass through these areas.

It is my humble request to please grant me a leave for one day to fulfill my national obligation and keep myself safe at the same time.

Muhammad Raza
Mr. Imran Alam

Election Day Leave Letter by Student

Head of Department
Department of Philosophy

Subject: Application for One Day Leave for Elections in Our Area

It is stated that I am a student of MS philosophy 3 rd semester in your department. My university registration number is 2014-P-213, and my roll number in my department is 2014-023. I live in Faisalabad, and my constituency is NA- 92.

I want one day’s leave from the department because the by-elections will be held in our constituency on September 1 st (Date).

As an affected member of the Pakistani nation, it is my moral duty to contribute to democracy by casting my vote and electing a representative in the legislative assembly.

I request you, please grant me leave for one day on September 1 st (Date). I shall be obliged.

Special Casual Leave for Casting Vote for Employee

The In-charge,
Malaysia Fire Service

Further to my telegram sent this morning, I wish to inform you that local elections in my native city will be held on coming Saturday, and I need to cast my vote in this regard. Being a responsible citizen, it is my foremost duty to cast a vote for the right person. Therefore, it is requested that permission may please be granted to me in the shape of providing special casual leave so that I could cast my vote at the native city on 13th May.

I shall be thankful to you.

Virginia Woolf.
Assistant Officer

Letter for Asking a Special Leave for Casting Vote

The manager, Nestle, US

With all my respect, I am writing this letter to inform you that for the coming elections, my voting center has been finalized, and it is a public center somewhere away from the town. As a good, and sincere citizen, I believe that it is my duty to cast a vote for the state’s betterment, and for that, I need a casual leave. I shall be really grateful if you grant me a leave considering the responsibility of a good citizen. I will make sure to manage the tasks for that day. I am expecting a positive response. Thanks

Email Leave Request for Casting Vote

Floor manager,
Your Name

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