How to Apply DSWD Medical Assistance Cash Aid

dswd medical health assistance cash aid aics program

When people think of assistance, they often think of government aid in the form of welfare checks or food stamps. However, another type of assistance can be just as important: medical cash assistance. Medical cash assistance is a type of financial assistance that helps cover medical care costs.

This can include anything from doctor’s visits to prescription medication. Medical cash assistance can be a lifeline for people struggling to make ends meet. In addition to helping to pay for necessary medical care, medical cash assistance can also help to reduce stress and anxiety.

According to the Department of Social Welfare and Development, or DSWD, the Medical Assistance Program provides financial assistance to needy families who are confined in hospitals. A family is considered indigent if their income does not exceed the poverty threshold set by the National Statistical Coordination Board or NSCB.

This post will walk you through the process of applying for DSWD Medical Cash Assistance. So without further ado, let’s get started!

Table of Contents

dswd medical health assistance cash aid aics program

What is DSWD Medical Cash Assistance?

The Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) provides medical cash assistance to indigent patients who cannot pay for their hospitalization, surgery, and other medical expenses. This is part of the AICS program and this program is open to all Filipino citizens, regardless of age, gender, or religion.

They must also meet the following criteria:

Once approved for assistance, DSWD will provide a cash grant that can be used to cover hospital bills, surgical fees, and other related expenses. Patients can also use the grant to pay for therapy and other outpatient services.


What are the Benefits of DSWD Medical Cash Assistance

There are many benefits to having medical cash assistance. Perhaps the most obvious benefit is that it can help you pay for unexpected medical bills. But there are other, less obvious benefits as well.

dswd financial assistance for healthcare and medical support

Qualifications the DSWD Medical Cash Aid

According to the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD), the following individuals are eligible for Medical Cash Assistance:

  1. If you have cancer or another chronic illness, you may be eligible for medical cash assistance from the DSWD. This includes illnesses such as but not limited to tuberculosis, leprosy, heart disease, stroke, and kidney failure. To qualify, you must be a Filipino citizen who does not have the financial capacity to cover the costs of your medical treatment.
  2. If you are confined in a mental institution due to a mental illness, you may be eligible for medical cash assistance from the DSWD. This includes illnesses such as but not limited to schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and major depressive disorder.
  3. If you are a victim of a natural disaster, you may be eligible for medical cash assistance from the DSWD. This includes victims of typhoons, floods, earthquakes, and landslides.
  4. Disabled persons often have difficulty accessing basic services like healthcare and education. The DSWD provides medical assistance to disabled persons to get the help they need to live full and productive lives. This assistance can cover the cost of hospitalization, surgery, medication, and therapy.

What are the Requirements For Medical Cash Assistance

In order to be eligible for medical cash assistance, an individual must meet certain requirements.

These requirements are subject to change, so it is important to check with the DSWD for the most up-to-date information.

Specifically for medical procedures, you required:

The doctor should sign all the documents, including diagnosis and date (not more than three months old).

For therapy and other treatments, you need:

How to Process Cash Aid for DSWD Medical Assistance

If you want to apply for medical cash assistance, you should visit the DSWD office near you. If you reside in NCR, visit the central office of DSWD. At the same time, those who are residing in provinces can visit field offices.

The DSWD office representative will guide you on how to apply for DSWD-MCA. The process takes three steps:

Step 1: Screening

The 1st step is to apply for the MCA and submit all the necessary documents.

Step2: Assessment

The 2nd step is screening. DSWD will determine if the applicant is eligible for the program during this stage. They will review the applicant’s financial situation and health condition to do this. If the applicant is eligible, they will proceed to the next stage.

Step 1 Payout

The third and final stage is the payout. Once all the required documentation has been submitted, DSWD will release the medical assistance payment to the applicant. The payment can cover medical expenses such as hospital bills, medication, and laboratory fees.

Video: How To Apply For Medical Assistance In DSWD

This video is about Medical Assistance or MCA in the Department of Social Welfare and Development or DSWD. For qualified people, MCA provides financial assistance for hospitalization, surgery, and other medical treatments.

dswd medical assistance requirements


The Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) provides medical cash assistance to those who are indigent, suffering from an illness and have no other means of support. The program helps to cover the cost of medical treatment, including hospitalization, medication, and surgery.

If you or a loved one needs financial assistance for medical treatment, follow the steps outlined in this post to apply for DSWD medical cash assistance. With the help of the DSWD, you can receive the treatment you need and get back on your feet again.