INCAPACITY OF PARTNER. If a Partner is prevented from carrying out his or her duties as a Partner because of illness or infirmity for more than six months then the other Partner may by giving three months notice terminate the Partnership Incapacity for any lesser period shall be dealt with in accordance with the On-Farm Agreement

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INCAPACITY OF PARTNER. On the Incapacity of a Partner, the Remaining Partner will have the option to: (a) continue the Partnership by accepting the Representative of the Departing Partner as a Partner; (b) purchase the Partnership Interest from the Departing Partner at a price acceptable to the Representative of the Departing Partner and the Remaining Partner; or (c) dissolve the Partnership in accordance with paragraph 17 of this Agreement. Written notice of the exercise of one of the foregoing options will be given by the Remaining Partner to the Representative of the Departing Partner within sixty (60) days after the appointment of such Representative. Each Partner hereby instructs his Representative to cooperate with the Remaining Partner and, on the exercise of any of the foregoing options, to consummate the transactions with regard to the Partnership Interest of the Departing Partner as provided in this paragraph 15.

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